Our Vision

By 2030, Cycle Logistics will be the Heart of urban logistics

The Potential of Bike Deliveries

By 2030, we envision cycle logistics as the beating heart of urban logistics. With the potential to shift up to 33% of motorised trips for professional transport—whether freight, delivery, services, or business—cycle logistics offers a sustainable, effective, and high-quality solution for the first and last mile of logistics flows.

 Transforming Urban Logistics

We believe that by embracing cycle logistics will unlock a new level of efficiency and sustainability. As cycle logistics becomes seamlessly integrated into the end-to-end supply chain, it will become vital to urban logistics, reducing congestion and emissions, while delivering high quality services.

Driving Transformation

Our vision aligns with the European Commission’s ambitious goal of achieving near-zero-emission logistics in major urban centers. We are committed to driving this change, unleashing the full potential of carrier cycles to transform urban logistics.

Join us in developing the future of bicycle logistics

We invite you to be part of this movement.

Whether you are a company, a logistics operator, a politician or just an avid supporter of sustainable urban transportation, the BCLF is here to inform, represent and connect you with the thriving Cyclo-Logistics community in Belgium.
Get involved and help us create a more sustainable, efficient and bicycle-friendly future for our cities.